
Courses Taught

Courses in Higher Education

(Lecture) • Course Title • University
2023 ‒ today
Guest Lecture on “Ethics of Work 4.0” • Work and Organizational Psychology Course • UzL
Principles of Trustworthy AI, the future of work, ethics of people and predictive analytics
Seminar discussion and interactive lecturing
2023 ‒ today
Lecture on “AI and Robotics in Health” • Ethics in the Life Sciences • UzL
Explicable medical AI, ethics of robotics and automation
Seminar discussion and interactive lecturing
2023 ‒ today
Lectures and Organization of the Course “Societal Aspects of Medical Computer Science” • UzL
Explicable medical AI and fairness
Seminar discussion and interactive lecturing
2023 ‒ today
Guest Lecture on “Ethics of Work 4.0” • Work and Organizational Psychology Course • UzL
Principles of Trustworthy AI, the future of work, ethics of people and predictive analytics
Seminar discussion and interactive lecturing
2022 ‒ today
Guest Lecture on “Epistemic Exclusion – Inexplicable AI in Human Resources and Medicine” • Inclusive Design Course • UzL
Epistemic exclusion and oppression, explainable and explicable AI, the future of work, patient-centered medicine
Seminar discussion and interactive lecturing
2021 ‒ today
Recorded Interview on the Ethics of Digitization in Public Administration
Philosophy of trust, autonomy, socio-technical systems, the future of work, digital sovereignty
Interview recording
2021 ‒ today
Recorded Interview on the Ethics of AI in Medicine and Chat Bots
Philosophy of trust, autonomy, socio-technical systems, chat bots, explainability and explicability in AI
Interview recording
2021 ‒ today
Guest Lecture on “Trustworthy AI – A Humanities Perspective” • Trustworthy AI Course • UzL
Philosophy of trust, EU AI Ethics Guidelines, socio-technical systems
Seminar discussion and interactive lecturing
2020 ‒ today
Technikethik • UzL
Moral philosophy, AI ethics, ethics of technology, basics of autonomy, trust, privacy, etc.
Challenge-based and project-based learning, flipped classroom
2019 ‒ today
Ethical Design Considerations in Medical Technology • UzL
Responsible Research and Innovation, Technology Assessment, AI ethics
Project-based learning, interactive lecturing
2018 ‒ today
Guest Lecture on the Ethics of Autonomous Driving • Seminar “Verkehrspsychologie” • UzL
Moral philosophy, trolley problem-based and more subtle ethical issues in autonomous driving
Seminar discussions, interactive lecturing
2018 ‒ today
Graphical Models in Systems and Control • UzL
Forney-style factor graphs, probabilistic graphical models, estimation and control
Project-based learning, interactive lecturing
2017 ‒ 2020
Technische Mechanik (Dynamik) • UzL
Statics, Kinematics, Kinetics
Lecturing, exercises
2016 ‒ today
Ethik innovativer Technologien • UzL
Changing subjects from AI ethics, privacy, socio-economic justice, etc.
Seminar, project-based learning
2016 ‒ 2018
Messtechnik • UzL
Systems theory, electrical measurement theory
Lecturing, project-based learning
2015 ‒ 2018
Advanced Topics in Control • UzL
Robust control theory, estimation
Lecturing, exercises
2011 ‒ 2015
Assistant for Introduction to Control Systems, Optimal and Robust Control, Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms in Control • TUHH
Classical to robust and nonlinear control theory
Lecturing, exercises
2011 ‒ 2015
Blue Engineering - Ökologischee und soziale Verantwortung im Ingenieurwesen • TUHH
Changing subjects from sustainability, corporate ethics, technology assessment
Peer-to-peer learning

Non-academic Courses, Internal Continuing Education and e-Learning Modules

(Lecture) • Course Title • University
Ethical Aspects of Data-Driven Work • Part of the KOMMA Program for Administrative Personnel
Discursive practices, project tasks, data work
Seminar discussion and interactive lecturing
Ethical Principles and Data Work in Digital Transformation • Part of the Module “Digital Transformation as a Management Task” • UzL offered module for high-ranking executives in public administration
Discursive practices, project tasks, ethical principles and extents of data work
Seminar discussion and interactive lecturing
2022 ‒ today
Module for the internal continuing education on “Ethical Orientation in Heterogeneous Landscapes of Knowledge” • UzL
Discursive practices, the relevance of exchange in ethical deliberation
Seminar discussion and interactive lecturing
Ethik Innovativer Technologien für Start-Ups – Methoden und Tools • Entrepreneurial Skills 2020 eLearning program via oncampus
Tools for ethical business models, stakeholder participation and ethical analyses
Interactive e-learning module
Ethik Innovativer Technologien für Start-Ups - Einführung • Entrepreneurial Skills 2020 eLearning program via oncampus
Ethical considerations in industrial contexts, examples from practice
Interactive e-learning module
KI-Ethik als Innovationstreiber • KI#CK eLearning program via oncampus
Fundamentals of ethics, concepts of ethical analyses, tools of responsible research and innovation
Interactive e-learning module
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